الأحد، 16 نوفمبر 2014

About the play

The play takes place in Camdeboo, South Africa, in autumn 1985.
The cast consists of a teacher, Mr. M, and two pupils, Thami and Isabel. Fugard says
"At that hour with the Uitenhage mountains ahead of us...this was the first time I
had a sense of Africa as an epic adventure – a vision which finally found its
expression in the mouth of my beloved Mr M."
Apartheid was ending and Fugard attacked the decision of the ANC to boycott
schools and the damage it would cause a generation of Africans. Fugard has moved
from the injustices of the South African government to the mistakes of the ANC.
The play was first performed at the Market Theatre, Johannesburg, in 1989. John
Kani starred as Mr M and Fugard directed. Fugard would later direct his daughter
Lisa in the play.

- Characters in the play
Anela Myalatya (Mr. M)
57 years of age, teacher of Zolile High School in the Location, a proponent of
education as the most powerful tool in the struggle for freedom and equality
Isabel Dyson
girl from a white school (Camdeboo High School), in her final year, 18 years
old; she sympathises with Mr. M’s ideas but also understands Thami
Thami Mbikwana
black boy from Zolile High School, also in his final year, 18 years old; he thinks
that the fight in the streets is the only chance for freedom and equality

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